Isabelle Faith
Calgary Birth Story

Isabelle Faith | 3:41am | 6lb 12oz

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13 Replies

  • julie  

    I often hear people speak negatively about birth photography, saying it is gross or inappropriate. But, this series of photos tells the story in a way that few media could. It’s really personal, and really beautiful. As usual, your images are amazing!

  • Ravyn  

    I WISH YOU LIVED IN PORTLAND!! We are thinking of babies … and one huge part is the photography piece. I also shoot births, and your style is so much like mine … challenging yourself to find the light & capture the moments as they unfold. It’s just beautiful!!

  • Stelle  

    What an incredible event to document…Wonderful photos!

  • Imthiaz Houseman  

    Brittany, I’ve never seen a birth photographed so well before! What an amazing job and I love the way you documented such an amazing moment.

    • Brittany  

      Thank you so much for all the comments everyone! <3

      These are all digital - although film for a birth would be cramazing.